Entirely apart from his (equally different) running projects iCE KiNG and FIREPROOF, Bas L.G. Verdin is a philosopher, political scientist and author, in the fields of autism and metal so far, as misunderstood and mistreated cultures

Published books:

Een essay voor en door autisme over misinterpretatie, mentaliteit en maatschappij
ISBN 9789463710954

Info and order here, or for a signed copy there!
In Dutch

Heavy Matters
A Treatise on Metal, Music and Society
ISBN 9789082360301

Info and order here, or for a signed copy there!
In English

This page is both "iceking.be > From the same man > Books" and basverdin.com

Electronic mail: bas.verdin(at)telenet.be

So-called social media: facebook.com/basverdin